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Loving Brothers

Loving Brothers, originally uploaded by Lukasmummy.

Credits: Layered template (18th December Tuesday Template) by Tanya Riley and Bear-y Baby by Laura White (C.W Picket & Company). Font is Dawning Of A New Day by Kimberly Geswein.
Journalling reads: In the limited amount of photographs I have of the two of you, these are some of my favourite. I love how gently you are holding Leo and the look on your face as you stared down at him. I still have no clue why you thought it would be a good idea to lick your baby brothers head or bite off his broken fingernail off. It’s easy to forget how young you were and that you didn’t know any better. I don’t think you ever intended to hurt him, it’s just that sometimes you are inspired by the curiosity to do things that seem slightly crazy to other people. He didn’t seem to mind either of them he was just perfectly content to lay on you and be held by a big brother who truly adored him.

P365 Week 2

P365 Week 2, originally uploaded by Lukasmummy.

Credits: Layered template (Adventure 365, Template 2), P365 Basics Simple Date Journalers and Brrr Bundle by Jewel Goodwin (Mad Genius Designs) and P365 Date Rounds by Laura White (C.W Picket & Company). Font is Love Ya Like A Sister by Kimberly Geswein.
Journalling reads: This week has been really hard for all of us. I am still sick and I had my period so I was pretty miserable, Mark had to work every day, Lukas had two days off school because he wasn’t feeling very well and Logan appears to be getting more teeth. Tempers were very short and the boys made it worse by being awful to each other. I have lost count of the number of times I have told them to behave, be quiet and be nice. Some of the low points included telling Lukas off for hitting Logan on the head with a wooden skittle and Logan tipping coke in his hair. What really made this week suck was Ella being rushed into hospital. She had a really high fever and ended up spending 3 days having various tests before the doctors were able to diagnose pneumonia and a urine infection and discharge her with some oral antibiotics. She’s had pneumonia before so we were all really worried about her. I tried watching Glee for the first time and ended up spending a whole day watching season one!

P365 Week 1

P365 Week 1, originally uploaded by Lukasmummy.

Credits: Layered template (Adventure 365, Template 1), P365 Basics Simple Date Journalers and Brrr Bundle by Jewel Goodwin (Mad Genius Designs) and P365 Date Rounds by Laura White (C.W Picket & Company). Font is Love Ya Like A Sister by Kimberly Geswein.
Journalling reads: I started off the new year still sick, by the end of the week I was finally feeling a little bit more like myself. The boys have been enjoying playing with all of their Christmas presents. There are Megablocks on the floor constantly but they loving building with them and throwing them around the room. Logan has learnt a few new words, but he still won’t say Mummy. Lukas went back to school and for the 1st time in 24 years England won and retained the ashes in cricket, I hate cricket but Mark was excited about it.

Looking Back At 2010

Looking Back At 2010, originally uploaded by Lukasmummy.

Credits: Layered template (December Moments Week 4, Review Template, Slightly Altered) by Crystal Livesay and 52 Inspirations Week One Mini by Sue Cummings. Fonts are Rockwell, You Re Loved by Kimberly Geswein and Felix Titling.
Journalling on strips reads: If we remember 2010 for anything, it will be as a year filled with milestones and changes. We have had many new experiences some good and some bad but even though it has been a very difficult year in a lot of ways, but we are much stronger as a family because of it.

Enabling: Template is now retired sorry, 52 Inspirations is a subscription based product by Vicki Stegall and Sue Cummings available exclusively at Oscraps here but if you want to pick up just the Week One Mini you can do that here.

Snow Fun

Snow Fun, originally uploaded by Lukasmummy.

Credits: Layered template (December Template Challenge) by Michelle Batton and Winter’s Day Collection by Jen C Designs. Font is Over The Rainbow by Kimberly Geswein.
Journalling reads: I love this photo of you playing in the snow, you were jumping on top of the snow covered trampoline, and I managed to catch you mid jump. I only had to climb up on the edge of the trampoline, fall off and land hard on my butt to get it!

Lego Harry Potter

Lego Harry Potter, originally uploaded by Lukasmummy.

Credits: Layered template (Cluster Funk, Template 3) and A Day In My Life Collection by Jen C Designs. Font is You Are Loved by Kimberly Geswein.
Journalling reads: When it comes to surprises you are a lot like me, impatient and difficult, it’s not that you don’t like them, it’s just you find it so hard to wait for anything. But me and Daddy were able to purchase the new Harry Potter Lego game for the X-Box and surprise you. I love this photo of your reaction.

The Sleepy Shepherd

The Sleepy Shepherd, originally uploaded by Lukasmummy.

Credits: Layered template (Templaoodle, Template 2) by Gabriella Hägglund (Ella Designs) and Merry and Bright Mega kit contributions by Kerry Ticknor (Kerry’s Scraps), Jolly Kids Creations by Marie, Bonnie Blou Designs, Janet Bracewell (JanetB Designs), Joelle Lester (Daphadilly Art), Jewel Goodwin (Mad Genius Designs) and Jaime Rhinehart (Cjoy2Day Designs). Font is Architects Daughter by Kimberly Geswein.
Journalling reads: Every year the school has done an alternative to the traditional Nativity. In reception they chose to do a play called the Sleepy Shepherd by Niki Davies, described as the story of “a lovable shepherd who just can’t keep awake. Will he miss out on the big adventure?”. Lukas had a part as one of the shepherds, we were asked to provide a costume of a dressing gown and a tea towel He was so excited about being in the play and looking forward to singing. When we turned up to se his performance, I was already fed up because we were late and got stuck in seats right at the back, I had been hoping to get some really cute photos of Lukas’s first school play. I got even more fed up when I saw Lukas wasn’t wearing his dressing gown and he had on a bright yellow tea towel that wasn’t his. My annoyance soon turned to embarrassment, when over the sound of 30 kids singing everyone in the room was able to hear the teacher ask Lukas if he was going to sing and he answered with a very resounding NO! It only got worse when he glanced over at me and saw I was trying not to laugh and he got a fit of the giggles. Before deciding that he had heard enough singing and put his hands over his ears. It was definitely a memorable first school play for us.

Boxing Day 06

Boxing Day 06, originally uploaded by Lukasmummy.

Credits: Layered template (Drifting, Template A) by Gabriella Hägglund (Ella Designs), Merry Christmas and 10×10 Scallop Page Mats by Laura White (C.W Picket & Company and Stunningly Silver Alpha by Jane Shaver (Little Red Scraps). Font is Architects Daughter by Kimberly Geswein.
Journalling reads: There are lots of things that I wish I had the chance to do over again. Some of the time it’s because I feel like I didn’t do a great job the first time around, some are because I have learnt new things since then and some are because it was something that you can’t repeat again. These photos are just some of the ones that fall into all three of those categories. They were taken at the Boxing Day Christmas party in 2006. I had been looking forward to taking you, watching you have fun and of course taking lots of photos. The only problem is that back when I took these I knew almost nothing about using my digital camera. I took the approach that the only way to capture the memory was to take lots and lots of photos. I’m sure that the rapid shot function has it’s uses, but doing a decent job of capturing the two of you, when you are racing around a hall like maniacs is not one of them. The camera didn’t have time to focus so every single photo is blurry, some of them are so bad I can’t even see you or Ella. and that’s without considering the bad lighting and awful colours. I didn’t know about white balance then either. This ended up being the last Boxing Day Christmas Party they held at the Conservative Club where Nana worked, they decided that it was just more hassle and effort than it was worth to organise and host each year. Ever since you were born it had become a bit of a family tradition for us to go to the party as a family. This was the first year Nannie Donna and Grampy Karl had decided not to go with all the kids. It was just going to be us three, Nan and Lisa, Gary, Conor and Ella. I’ll be honest with you, I don’t have great memories of any of these parties. Me and Daddy always seemed to end up arguing about something, but I tried to pretend we were having fun for you.r sake. You and Ella always really looked forward to it. You both loved the disco and the party games. You had the chance to see Santa to get a gift which was almost as much fun as you had running around in that huge hall. It kind of makes me sad that I don’t have any nice photos to help you to remember how much fun you used to have.

Top 10 Songs

Top 10 Songs, originally uploaded by Lukasmummy.

Credits: Layered templates (All Stacked Up, May 2010 by Rachel Jefferies (Captivated Visions) and Box Me In, Template 2 by Denise Tilley (DigiDesigns By Denise) and Night Music Bundle by Jewel Goodwin (Mad Genius Designs). Font is Architects Daughter by Kimberly Geswein.
Journalling reads: I used to be really into music, when I was a kid, I knew every single song that was in the top 40 each week. I knew most of the lyrics too. I still love to listen to music while I scrap or can’t sleep but I prefer to put on my older music that I have ripped to Itunes, instead of new albums. Singing along to familiar lyrics makes me happy. These were the top plays on my itunes playlist this year. Some of the artists have more than one song because the number of plays was the same. Ironically only 3 of these albums (the top 3) were released in 2010.

Christmas Letter 1

Christmas Letter 1, originally uploaded by Lukasmummy.

Credits: Layered template (Christmas Newsletter Templates, Template 3) by Elizabeth Albers (Scrapping With Liz) and Merry Christmas by C.W Picket & Company. Font is Architects Daughter by Kimberly Geswein.