Blog Archives


Created for the April 2011 The Works Challenge at DSDI

K.I.S.S.I.N.G, originally uploaded by Lukasmummy.

Credits: Layered template (My Dear Watson Templates, Template 1) by 3 Li’l Monsters Designs and Refresh Addon by Bonnie Blou Designs. Font is 2Peas Hot Chocolate.
Journalling read: Lukas and Mummy, sitting in a tree, k.i.s.s.i.n.g. Near Pegasus Park 24th June 2008.

Enabling: Refresh Addon is available as part of the challenge and My Dear Watson Templates by 3 Lil’ Monsters Designs are available here


Jamboray, originally uploaded by Lukasmummy.

Credits: Layered template (Speed Scrap Template) and The Works February 2011 Mini – Victorian Memories by Jeanie’s Designs. Fonts are Charlemagne Std and Rage Italic LET.
Journalling reads: I don’t know very many grandparents that would be willing to go and sit on hard wooden chairs in a noisy indoor play area, let alone be the one to suggest going in the first place. This is just one of the things that makes Nan so special.

Travelling On The Train To Chessington

Credits: Layered template (A Week In The Life Template) by Brynn Marie Dukes (BZB Designs) and The Works Begin 2011 Mini by Jeanie’s Designs. Font is Wartorn.

Lukas and Josh

Lukas and Josh, originally uploaded by Lukasmummy.

Credits: Layered template (Templaoodle, Template 3) by Gabriella Hägglund (Ella Designs), December The Works by Jolly Kids Creations by Marie, Retail Therapy Glitters by Jewel Goodwin (Mad Genius Designs) and Wordart by Bethany Harty (Elegant Wordart).

Lukas and Nan

Lukas and Nan, originally uploaded by Lukasmummy.

Credits: Layered template (Template 858 Square) by Andrea Gold and The Works Soda Shoppe Color Pop by Janet Bracewell (JanetB Designs). Font is DJB Mandy by Darcy Baldwin.
Journalling reads: As a scrapper I often take a lot of photos in my attempt to get one good one. But sometimes it’s not about trying to get a great shot, it’s simply about capturing a moment in time. Like these photos of Nan and Lukas. I took them on my mobile phone because I thought it was so cute how he was cuddling with her. The colour is bad, the quality is awful and they are super tiny, but these 3 photos mean more to me than a lot of the other more “perfect” shots.

One In A Million

One In A Million, originally uploaded by Lukasmummy.

Credits: Layered template (2 Many Photos 38) by Janet Phillips and October 2010 The Works Mini by Janet Bracewell (JanetB Designs). Font is Fawn Script.
Journalling reads: Ever since I was a kid, Nan has always been the same way. Her priorities have always been simple, she does whatever makes everyone else happy. It doesn’t matter if it’s not something that she wants to do, it doesn’t matter if she feels ill or is in pain. Somehow she finds the strength to get herself ready, do her hair and make-up and plasters on a smile so that she can hide the way she really feels from the world. It really takes a special kind of person to willingly sit for hours in uncomfortable chairs and pay to be surrounded by other people’s screaming kids in an indoor play area. Just because she knew that Ella and Lukas would love it. It’s impossible to describe how much she suffers by doing this but because she is so unselfish she does it anyway. I hope that someday I am even half the woman that she is. We are so lucky to have her!